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We're all about the individual

Other schools talk about treating children as individuals, but most are offering a fairly standardised experience with a few individual elements.

At Aberdour, the school is built around the children, not the other way round.  Flexibility and developing the individual are at the core of everything we do, and we look for the particular interests and talents that every child has. 

The fundamental philosophy behind PAL is that it is Personalised.  So the PAL programme and the PAL curriculum give the children immensely personalised support,  along with focussed teaching and 1:1 coaching.  Where appropriate, we will even re-schedule an individual child's lessons to give them more time for their area of brilliance.  

In addition, our world-class IT facilities (we won a national award for the best use of IT in any independent school) all the individual child to learn in their own way, to develop their personal creativity, and to learn how to use technology rather than be used by it.