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National Awards

Shortlisted in the Independent Schools of the Year Awards for 'Independent Prep School of the Year' 2023

ISOTY Shortlist 23

Finalist for 'Best Experiential Learning (Prep)' in the Muddy Stilettos Best Schools Award 2023


Finalist for 'Best STEM Programme (Prep)' in the Muddy Stilettos Best Schools Award 2023


'Winner of 'Most Creative Learning Through Play (Early Years)' 2022

MS BSA Winner LearningthroughPlay SQ

Highly Commended for 'Best Experiential Learning' 2022

MS BSA Experiential Commended

Highly Commended for 'Most Innovative Technology-Led Teaching' 2022

MS BSA TechLed Commended

Highly Commended 'Empowering Young Entrepreneurs' 2022

MS BSA Entrepreneurs Commended

Shortlisted for 'Strategic Education Initiative of the Year' 2020

TES Shortlisted Logo

Winner of 'Best Use of Technology Award' 2019

Winner   Best use of technology award   Twitter Advert (1200x600) (002)

Shortlisted for 'i25 Award' 2019 and 2020

I25 logo shortlisted        I25 logo shortlisted

    2020             2019


The Times (TES) Independent Schools Awards

The TES Independent School Awards celebrate excellence and innovation in UK independent schools, and are highly significant because the sector includes major world-class schools.  Aberdour has been recognised a number of times as one of the top independent schools in the country, and we are particularly proud of winning the Best Use of Technology award, where we were up against some of the country's top public schools. 

2019 Shortlised for 'Strategic Education Initiative of the Year' 2020
2018 Winner of 'Best Use of Technology' 2019
2017 Shortlisted for 'Best Use of Technology' 2018
2017 Shortlisted for 'PrePrep/Prep School of the Year' 2018
2016 Shortlisted for 'Strategic Education Initiative Of The Year' 2016
2015 Shortlisted for 'Governing Body Of The Year' 2015
2013 Shortlisted for 'Independent School Of The Year' 2013
2013 Winner of 'Outstanding Financial/Commercial Initiative' 2013
2011 Shortlisted for 'Outstanding Financial/Commercial Initiative' 2011
2010 Winner of Independent Schools 'Head Of The Year' 2010
2010 Shortlisted for 'Independent School of the Year' 2010


Independent Schools of the Year Awards

Independent Schools of the Year is an awards programme brought together by Independent School Parent magazine. The awards are designed to showcase our schools’ success stories and celebrate the extraordinary and compelling student experience they provide.

2023 Shortlised for 'Independent Prep School of the Year' 2023


Muddy Stilettos Best Schools Awards

Lauched in 2014, these new school awards are part of Muddy Stilettos Best Schools Guide, the fastest growing school review site with over 300 schools currently reviewed and listed. The Guide is passionate about both academic and holistic education and look to give a well-rounded insight to each school they visit to help parents choose the right school for their child.

2023 Finalist for 'Best Experiential Learning (Prep) 2023
2023 Finalist for 'Best STEM Programme (Prep)' 2023
2022 Winner of 'Most Creative Learning Through Play (Early Years)' 2022
2022 Highly Commended for 'Best Experientical Learning' 2022
2022 Highly Commended for 'Most Innovative Technology-led Teaching' 2022
2022 Highly Commended for 'Empowering Young Entrepreneurs' 2022


Independent Insights i25 Awards

An awards scheme to recognise the top 25 innovators and influencers in the UK's Independent Schools Sector.

2020 Senior Deputy Head Tracy Thomas - Shortlisted for i25 2020
2019 Headmaster Simon Collins - Shortlisted for inaugural i25 2019


Healthy School Award

Aberdour was the first Independent Preparatory School in Surrey to achieve this Award.

Inspection Team Comments

We are particularly impressed with:

  • The strong focus on emotional health and wellbeing of the School
  • The breadth of opportunity for physical activity within and beyond the curriculum
  • The way in which the School has embraced the importance of PSHE and has worked hard to formalise the curriculum within the School.

Further Inspection Comments:

  • The fact that so many pupils represent the School in some form of physical activity is a real credit to the School
  • The benefit of active lifestyles are actively promoted within the School through posters, displays and information
  • Pupils identify that they enjoy their lessons because their teachers are kind and make lessons fun
  • The School Council see their role as important in helping to make the School a better place
  • The School environment is welcoming and stimulating, and promotes the happy and caring ethos of the School
  • There are strong pastoral support systems in place that aim to ensure the needs of all pupils are met
  • Pupils feel safe in their School and enjoy the breadth of opportunities that are offered