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The Aberdour Challenge

The Aberdour Challenge is an exciting scheme which takes the PAL philosophy into wider aspects of the children's personal development.  Our Upper School pupils can take part in three levels of Challenge, extending their horizons and building their preparation for life.  

The Aberdour Challenge consists of eight disciplines and Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards can be achieved by working across a greater number of these disciplines:

  • The Arts

  • Fitness

  • Our Community

  • Money

  • Our World

  • Cook

  • New Skills

  • Outdoor Active

The Bronze Award is earned by completing two of the first seven Challenges, and an Outdoor Active Challenge. The Silver Award is given after a pupil has completed a further three Challenges plus an Outdoor Active Challenge, and the Gold Award is presented when they have completed the remaining two Challenges plus an Outdoor Active Challenge. Everyone is expected to achieve at least their Bronze Award.  

This means that every Aberdour pupil can demonstrate breadth of achievement outside the core academic areas, with something really meaningful to talk about when attending senior school interviews.  More importantly, they understand why a healthy lifestyle is important, they can think about the world in which we live, and they can take an active responsibility for their own personal development.

And, even more than that - the Aberdour Challenge helps the children find their own brilliance, wherever it lies, and to develop as rounded human beings with breadth, self-confidence, initiative and resilience.