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Middle School at Aberdour

Fearless Flyers - Finding the Brilliance!

Create, Aspire, Innovate, Explore   Yellow on Blue

Our Fearless Flyers at Aberdour are equipped with lifelong skills to prepare them for a successful future in our rapidly changing world. We inspire and challenge our pupils to make connections and delve deeper to strengthen the roots of their learning and support them to grow and flourish through rich, personalised and meaningful experiences. 

Our creative curriculum and personalised learning based on the principles of P.A.L, allows the children's interests to develop and be developed. Pupils benefit from a stimulating extended learning area with learning pods and investigation stations to challenge their natural curiosity and inspire awe and wonder. Our highly qualified and nurturing Teachers make learning experiences fun, exciting and engaging. Daily meditation and mindfulness exercises and weekly yoga sessions create a calm and purposeful atmosphere for learning whilst encouraging the children to be aware of their thoughts and feelings. 

Leadership instils confidence and helps children to solve problems creatively and work collaboratively with others. Your children will be our leaders of the future.

In Middle School, through our ‘Learning Leader’ roles and Mantle of the Expert approach to learning, pupils are taught to think like a leader and are given many opportunities to make decisions and develop responsibility. We coach them to speak clearly and confidently and, through our growth mindset teaching, help them to develop self-awareness and empathy towards others.

Positive encouragement and praise is central to the development of motivation and high standards of behaviour. We believe that rewarding children supports them to feel valued and builds their self-esteem. We acknowledge the children’s achievements and celebrate their successes during our weekly Sharing Assembly. A ‘Star of the Week’ is awarded each Friday; often the nominations for this come from the children themselves as they recognise the successes of their peers.

A growth mindset encourages the children to believe that their talents and abilities can be developed through hard work. Our growth mindset reward system in the Middle School instills a passion for learning and fosters resilience as children view failure as a springboard for growth, rather than a negative experience. We celebrate marvellous mistakes and view learning success as a journey, not just a destination.

Pupils can earn rewards by demonstrating positive learning behaviours to become a ‘Fearless Flyer’. They collect colourful feathers to represent these learning behaviours which they add to their Fearless Flyer wings. Determination and perseverance is praised and qualities such as being reflective and finding alternative solutions are recognised.

Middle School also begins the first stages of the Aberdour Challenge, giving the children even more chances to shine in all sorts of areas, and to build their self-confidence, leadership skills and sense of achievement whilst discovering new interests and talents. 


Aberdour regularly prepares children for over 30 different senior schools, and pupils achieve a high level of academic success. Our pupils have been awarded 52 Scholarships in the past two years alone! We 'Find the Brilliance in Every Child' through our unique P.A.L curriculum and our 'Create, Aspire, Innovate, Explore' programme, providing a truly enriched education. We hope that our Main School video encapsulates how this is accomplished day to day.