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Politics, Religion & Ethics (P.R.E)

P.R.E. encompasses a wide variety of topics: world religions, philosophy, contemporary issues, significant people, current affairs and moral dilemmas to name but a few. All of these topics are part of life as we know it. Faith, politics and culture all shape our world and the understanding of them is imperative for a more peaceful existence. At Aberdour, the students are able to approach all topics in a studious and investigative manner. They will understand the importance of accepting others views and develop their ability to look at religions, texts or issues historically, sociologically, analytically and ethically.

The P.R.E department strives to give the pupils a balanced and knowledgeable understanding of the beliefs and history of world faiths. The Biblical work links with the school Christian ethos and gives pupils the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of faith and history through theological workings. As has always been the case, religion is intrinsic to the world as we know it, whether it is linked to acts of charity or acts of terrorism. There is a place for P.R.E. in every curriculum just as there is a place for it in all cultures – even those that become more secular day by day. Throughout their life, pupils will encounter people of different religions and cultures and must understand the context and root of others’ beliefs. This will aid them socially and within future academic and business careers