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Distance Learning

Welcome to Aberdour's Distance Learning page. We hope that you will find resources, information and answers to some frequently asked questions.

Managing Distance Learning(1)   Pre Prep Little Learners Post 

Aberdour is fully open, however should circumstances change, we are prepared to relaunch our Distance Learning programme. The information below should give you a snap shot of what we offered during the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting school closures.

How does Distance Learning work at Aberdour?

All our pupils have a weekly timetable, just like they would if they were at school. Teachers are available online in real-time during the school day, setting tasks through Seesaw and holding virtual classrooms via MS Teams. Distance Learning is approached differently for each age group, please see below for further details:


The curriculum for the term is outlined in each child's individual Seesaw platform. There are teaching points for Phonics, Maths and Writing which are delivered by video allowing pupils to pause, rewind and revisit. Teachers are also presenting three stories a week.

Pre-Prep have also launched their own YouTube channel, hosting a range of fun and engaging experiences, including enlivened stories, real time experiences such as butterflies emerging from chrysalises and weekly assemblies.

Parent, pupils and teachers meet weekly via Zoom to discuss progress and Weekly Rainbow Challenges (we promote completing 3 challenges per day).

Additional activities include reading through Collins platform, yoga and mindfulness sessions delivered by Mrs Hams and ballet sessions.

The current use of pre-recordings can fit in with parents’ work schedules, giving parents the option to choose their own time to do the lesson. We know how hard it may be for many parents with younger children to keep to rigid timings, and ‘live’ lessons would require parents’ full involvement at very set times to support the children in maintaining focus, completing tasks or in knowing when it is their turn to contribute.

We are acutely aware that children and families operate in different ways. Some may find their children function better in the mornings and choose to try to complete the challenges then, some may find their children need to warm up to learning from home and are far more productive in the afternoon. There is no right or wrong way to approach this and we are here to help.

Middle School

Each class has a weekly timetable involving daily assemblies, live lessons, posting other work (differentiated) through Seesaw and independent tasks such as reading.

The timetable comprises of:

  • Weekly whole school assemblies and also fitness sessions which will be on our YouTube channel.
  • Daily academic lessons on Microsoft Teams. These are at the same time every day for your child so that a routine can be established and last up to 40 minutes. 
  • Sessions for pupils to meet and share ideas and experiences. Pupils can ask direct questions about learning tasks during this time and they can of course contact their Form Tutors every day for help as it is required. Phonics and spelling patterns will be taught during this time together, as well as stories shared.
  • Daily Seesaw work will continue to be set and will include practical tasks that pupils can complete independently.
  • Optional mindfulness and well-being activities will continue to be suggested and STEAM challenges set.
  • Weekly session with PAL tutor.
  • A bi-weekly newsletter known as the Aberdour Times will showcase work and successes, sharing achievements with the school community.
  • Pupils are required to read daily. We recommend that the children use their Oxford Reading Buddy access to help with this

Senior School

Senior School are using MS Teams for live lessons daily and each form has a set timetable,  which include:

  • Assemblies
  • Academic lessons (Maths, English, French, Science, IT, Geography, History and RS)
  • Form times
  • Study support groups
  • PAL tutors meetings
  • Music clubs
  • Well-being support chats
  • Sport

The day is structured with an 8:30am assembly via our YouTube channel, two or three live academic lessons in the morning (set at the same time), then other live lessons which are optional in the morning and the afternoon. Seesaw work is set by 8am and is due for completion by 4pm. There are also weekly Art tasks. This allows families the flexibility to organise their own routines.

This Summer Term, pupils have started their cricket skills - 'Active and loving it' lessons have warm up and skills videos by our Director of Sport, Mr Taylor. Pupils frequently message in what they have been up to and are really engaged. Videos can be viewed on the Aberdour Sport Twitter feed @AberdourSport

The recorder groups are flourishing and the Middle and Senior Schools are learning about different composers every week. Individual live support sessions have been arranged for some pupils.

Distance Learning Guidance for Pupils

Learning at home is very different from being at School, and we fully understand that it will take you (and us!) a little while to get used to this new system. Teachers will try to help you as much as possible. Remember, you are not to worry or panic if you cannot get everything right – we are here to support and guide you. Let your teacher know if you have any problems.

At the start of every lesson you should:

  • Make sure that your parents know that you are online and about to start.
  • Setting up a dedicated working area, where possible, will help you to separate your schoollife from your home-life. Have an organised space to work with a suitable work surface, writing materials and required books ready.
  • Be fully dressed in day clothes when participating in any online activity.
  • Have a schedule for the day. Your timetable will provide the structure and times for learning and activities – it is a good idea to have this on your desk.
  • Be prepared for online lessons in a quiet space without personal details such as photographs in the background.
  • You should be able to participate in lessons without disturbance from other members of the household – not always easy with little brothers and sisters.

Your work set needs to be completed to a high standard and submitted in time to your teacher.

Records will be kept of attendance online and of your work completed.

Quick links to assist with Distance Learning

Managing Distance Learning - Advice for Parents

Pre-Prep Little Learners - Tips for Parents

Aberdour Learn


Microsoft Teams


Scratch - ICT

Physical Education

Digital Reading Resource Collins Connect

We're open for Admissions

Our Admissions Registrar, Tracy Doyle, is available should you have any questions regarding your current registration or if you are considering joining Aberdour mid-year or in September 2021.

 Click here to visit our Admissions page

Useful resources

Covid19 Parent Advice Sheet

NSPCC Online safety

Think U Know 4-7

Think U Know 8-10

Book Trust

The School Reading List

Read Brightly

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Seesaw, MS Teams and Zoom work?

Seesaw creates a user friendly learning loop between pupils, teachers and parents. It can be used across any device. Our teachers use a wide range of activities for the children, explaining how to complete learning tasks independently through video and recordings. Students can then upload their work through Seesaw for feedback.

Microsoft Teams is a secure platform allowing teachers to host virtual classrooms.

In addition to these two platforms, Pre-Prep teachers host a weekly parent/pupil consultation via Zoom to discuss progress and next steps.

Guide to Seesaw

Seesaw - Help Center

Microsoft Teams - Office Support Videos

Zoom - Help Center

How can I help with my child's work?

We fully understand how difficult it can be to help with your child's work, especially whilst trying to work from home yourself.  Please do not panic, we are here to help and answer any questions you may have and encourage you to contact your child's class teacher in the first instance if you have any concerns about their learning or wellbeing.

We have tried to develop a Distance Learning platform that works with your own family's routine and with your child's personal needs.  We hope that the timetables provided will help you plan your day and encourage your child to complete what they can.

Where should we hand in completed work?

Children should submit their work via Seesaw and their teacher will also provide feedback via the app.  We would love to see photos of your child carrying out activites and of their work. Many pieces of work and successes will be showcased in our bi-weekly Aberdour Times newsletter. Past issues can be found in the Parents section of the website -

Please let us know when submitting work whether you are happy for us to share on our social media channels.